Block 5, Section 36, Division of Forrest—Telopea Park School Playing Fields—Land swap

Block 5, Section 36, Division of Forrest—Telopea Park School Playing Fields—Land swap
Residents of ACT
Sponsoring member:
Mr Doszpot MLA
No. of Signatures:
Posting Date:
Referred to Minister:
Responded to:
Information about the Principal Petitioner is available through the sponsoring Member of the Legislative Assembly's office
TO: The Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly
Reason for this Petition

This petition of certain residents of the Australian Capital Territory draws to the attention of the Assembly that in February this year, the ACT Government made the decision to acquire approximately 1/3 of Telopea Park School's sporting fields as part of a land swap deal undertaken for urban renewal initiatives (Block 5, Section 36, Division of Forrest). The Canberra Times reported this decision as having been made on February 13th, 2015. The Telopea Park School Parents and Citizens Association sought confirmation of this decision by writing to the ACT Government that same month. However, the association only was informed officially of the ACT Government's decision and the impact it would have on the school community on 9th April, 2015. In these communications, it has been clearly stated that due diligence on the block and traffic assessments were not performed prior to this decision being made, nor were they done before the lease was transferred to the LDA. Not only was this decision taken without prior public consultation, it has also removed the community's right to respond to planning and decision making that directly affects their lives.

The Telopea Park School Playing Fields, Block 5, Section 36, is currently utilised by the school to deliver its curriculum and promote the sporting development of its more than 1200 students. The loss of this land will result in reduced open space for sporting facilities as well as both structured and unstructured active play. In an increasing 'screen-based' world, these outdoor physical activities, and the space in which to do them, are vital for healthy growth and development; improving movement, balance, coordination; and promoting the teamwork and social skills of our youth.

Your petitioners therefore request the Assembly to:

. cease all actions pertaining to the Block 5, Section 36, Division of Forrest, on which the Telopea Park School Tennis Courts reside;
. reverse the decision to rezone and redevelop the land;
. issue a new lease to the Education and Training Directorate for the express use of the Telopea Park School.