Mr Fluffy houses—Site re-zoning and high density development

Mr Fluffy houses—Site re-zoning and high density development
Residents of ACT
Sponsoring member:
Mr Corbell MLA
No. of Signatures:
Posting Date:
Referred to Minister:
Responded to:
Information about the Principal Petitioner is available through the sponsoring Member of the Legislative Assembly's office
TO: The Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly
Reason for this Petition

This petition of certain residents of the Australian Capital Territory draws the attention of the Assembly that the residents of Bragg Street, Hackett and near neighbourhood, request consultation regarding re-zoning and high-density development after demolition of Mr Fluffy houses. Bragg Street consists of just 31 houses, 4 in the street contain Mr Fluffy insulation, and there are more in the near vicinity.

The Mr Fluffy crisis can be an opportunity for high-quality planning and consideration of the needs of local communities. Multiple occupancy developments that cover the block with houses, driveways and prominent garages, leaving no space for any garden, are environmentally disastrous "hot spots" that destroy the consistency of green streetscapes and impact on the wellbeing of communities.

Leafy Bragg Street has old street trees, established gardens and is renowned as friendly and communal, with many long-term residents. Regular get-togethers in the local park attract large numbers, cement friendships and welcome newcomers.

We care for our streetscape and our community. We are grieving the loss of valued residents through the Mr Fluffy crisis. We are anxious about the impact on the character of our area.

Your petitioners request the Assembly call for the Asbestos Taskforce and the ACT Government to:
. consult with our neighbourhood in a timely manner about proposed re-zoning after demolition of Mr Fluffy houses;
. protect the character of streetscapes through restriction of envelope and location of building on site, limitation of concrete pads and assurance of garden set-backs and conservation of street trees, consideration to neighbours with heights and scale of developments; and
. plan replacement developments that enhance community interaction and wellbeing and promote energy efficiency and conservation.