Public housing development—Darwinia Community Park, Chapman

Public housing development—Darwinia Community Park, Chapman
Residents of ACT
Sponsoring member:
Mr Hanson MLA
No. of Signatures:
Posting Date:
Referred to Minister:
Responded to:
Information about the Principal Petitioner is available through the sponsoring Member of the Legislative Assembly's office
TO: The Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly
Reason for this Petition

This petition of certain residents of the Australian Capital Territory draws to the attention of the Assembly the fact that the Public Housing Renewal Taskforce has proposed building on Darwinia Community Park (Block 1 Section 45) Chapman.

This block has been officially identified as a Bush Fire Prone Area. For this and many other reasons, it is entirely unsuitable for the proposed development. Your petitioners therefore request the Assembly to withdrawn this proposal.